Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Diary Week 8

Tuesday I was not feeling up for turbo training but felt that I should go for it.

Got really fed up with the squeaking seat so ended up taking the seat completely apart, still didn't solve it. I moved the seat back a bit still no good, so I think I am going to take it apart again and insert some tape to try to stop the squeaking - I have a plan, lets hope it works.

As the mucking about with the seat took so long and I started late I decided to really go for the turbo training and use the "big cog". Big mistake!!

After about ten minute I noticed little specks on black on the floor, it was then that I noticed that I had been wearing down my tyre!!! So I cleared up the mess and went to bed. Fortunately I only wore down about a 3-4mm band so hopefully the tyre will be OK. I will keep an eye on it.

Wednesday the wife and I had our weekly gym session. I got my new programme focused on my cycling. The work out is leg and shoulder based so it will be interesting to see how it improves my performance.

Thursday I was in a much better place mentally than Tuesday. I got home from work in good time and managed to investigate my seat and put felt between all the bits of metal. It did not improve the situation. Anyway I still did 70 minutes on the turbo (on the small cog!) and felt really good at the end of it.

This weekend Rich-mate and his lad were coming round Saturday morning so I could only do a relatively short ride. I sussed out a route which let me get in some good hills and approx. 50 miles. I set off at 6.30 with my backpack on with extra water. The route was excellent, with tough ascents earlier on and then rolling hills later on. I decided to use my "big cog" whenever appropriate whilst maintaining y cadence above 90. I even managed to overtake a couple of other cyclists - which is a first for me! I managed to get back before 10am averaging 15.5 miles an hour, just in time for Rich-mate. The kids had a lovely time and it was great to catch up with Rich. He also brought round some kit for me to borrow which has already proven to be useful and he gave some great advice on training and the potential problem with my saddle - the cause of my squeak!!

Sunday morning I had to change the flat tyre on the wife's car. The tool provided with the car was worse than useless, so I ended up going shopping for a decent wrench. I found a great one In B&Q and dropped into Halfords to get some Teflon based lubricant - thanks for advice Rich and managed to also pick up an large bottle plus extra cage for a a couple of quid - excellent value for money. In the afternoon I did the same route, this time without my backpack, but the road was wet. It thought I was going faster but I actually averaged 15.3 miles an hour!

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